© Franck Vogel

> Portfolio



Inspiring Speaker

Franck Vogel gives inspiring talks for companies or institutions on Water, Environment, Geopolitics or on how businesses can adapt to change with the example of the Bishnois in India, who became environmentalists in the 15th century to survive.

Shea Butter in Ghana

Shea Butter in Ghana

By producing organic shea butter for an international cosmetics group, Ghanaian women are emancipating themselves and gaining independence and dignity.

Clean Gold from Peru

CLEAN Gold from Peru

20% of the world's gold is produced artisanally, often illegally, and supports 100 million people while polluting the environment with mercury. In Peru, a Canadian-Swiss initiative wants to change the situation.

Moi, la Forêt

I'm the FOREST

By associating myself with the poetry of famous French novelist Irene Frain's texts, I wanted to give voice to the Forest, this unique, immense being, essential to our survival. In collaboration with the Botanic Endowment Fund.

Honey in Burkina Faso

Honey in Burkina Faso

Désiré Yameogo founded Wend Puiré in Burkina Faso in 2002 to develop and educate men and especially women to produce honey throughout the country so that they earn money to send their children to school.


The Danube

Symbol of Europe, the Danube river went through crises but over time and the European construction it has become a link between poor and rich countries, as well as an example of cooperation.

Tour de France 2019

TOUR de France

GEO magazine gave me a carte blanche to present my vision of the three stages of the Tour de France (2019 edition) in the northeastern region, the Grand Est.

Corporate Portraits


Besides his work for the international press, Franck Vogel is also shooting corporate photos for companies (portraits, production sites...).

The Zambezi


The Zambezi is one of the last unnavigable wild rivers and it might face pollution from a new copper mine planned inside the Lower Zambezi National Park in Zambia.

The secrets of the Ganges


The Ganges is India’s most sacred river, but also the most polluted. Millions of Hindus live from its water, bath in it and conclude their lives on the riverbanks. At the same time, settlements and companies dump their waste into it.

Requiem for the Mekong

THE Mekong

It took the Mekong River thousands of years to create its delta in Vietnam and it never failed to feed the population. Today the river is in danger: the Mekong delta is sinking and fish migration is blocked because of the new mega dams.

Kibbutz Portfolio


The first kibbutz was founded in 1910 in Israel by ten young Jewish Ukrainians. Today there are 273, but the traditional collectivist model had to evolve to adapt to new lifestyles.

Jordan River Portfolio


Holy for half Humankind, the Jordan River remains nowadays a dirty and polluted stream. Most of its water has been diverted for farming and cities in Israel and Jordan.



The Colorado is the vital artery of the American Southwest but is also the only river in the world that no longer flows into the ocean.


The Brahmaputra

With little to no concern for environmental risks or local population, China and India are engaged in a hydro-dam construction race on the Brahmaputra and its tributaries, in efforts to generate substantial amounts of electricity.


The Nile

For centuries, Nile water access has been one of Egypt’s major concerns and the country won’t hesitate to go to war to preserve it. One reason for the 25-year civil war in the Sudan is due to the Nile, and the new Grand Renaissance Dam constructed by Ethiopia, which is sure to increase tensions.



Near Lake Victoria in Tanzania, evil is driven by the belief that albino body parts possess magical powers that will bring wealth if used in potions produced by local witchdoctors.



Ecologists since the 15th century, the Bishnois of Rajasthan, India have made wildlife and environment protection their life’s work



Series of eclectic portraits in back and white ranging from a Cossack in the Ukraine to a sales director at Google France or the former President of the Soviet Union.



Since the 15th century, the Bishnois have highly respected women. The founder, guru Jambheshwar, created 29 principles of which the first two are dedicated to preserving women’s good health : Maternity leave and Rest during their menstrual periods. Greatly ahead of their time, I hope they will inspire the rest of the world.



Libertines, swingers, hedonists…Libertine philosophy exists since the 17th century in France and especially in Paris. I discovered a world where women are totally respected and strict rules apply. It’s far from what most people think it is.



Maui Island, surfers’ paradise, is capped by a volcano and surrounded by beaches. The most hidden beach welcomes people every evening who are willing to dance and sing while paying tribute to the Sun.



Since ancient times, this important community exists, scattered throughout Greece, Albania, Macedonia and Romania. It defends its culture and language, but never claimed a state. A rare and unusual example in the region.

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